About Imabari Towels

Imabari towels originate from the Imabari City in Japan, where they have been produced for over 120 years to the same high standards. They are made to remain soft and absorbent over long periods of time, negating the need to replace towels so often. The soft, absorbent qualities are all down to the threads used to create the quick-dry towels. While traditional towels are produced and then dyed, Imabari towels are made from prepared cotton, which is turned into thread and then dyed before being made into towels. By pre-bleaching and dyeing the cotton thread using specific water, it remains in its finest state for a truly luxurious feel.

Soft Water

The fibers of an Imabari towel are made using the subsoil water of the Soja River, which is known for its low heavy metal content and softness. Only true Imabari towels are bleached and dyed using this water and are marked with a specific red, white, and blue label to show they meet the Imabari towel standards.

The Five-Second Rule

While you may have heard of the five-second rule for dropped food, it represents something very different to towel manufacturers. Imabari towels meet their own five-second rule to ensure quality craftsmanship. During production, a piece of towel fabric from each batch of towels is floated in water to see if it sinks within five seconds. This is a test of absorbency, with only Imabari towels able to demonstrate superior water retention without pre-washing.

The Pride of Japan

200 factories in Imabari City combine to create Imabari towels, working on processes such as dyeing, sewing, and embroidery that meet the standards of the area. Often, skills are passed down through generations, with specific families working within a culture of thoughtfulness and care. As such, Imabari towels have become a proud product of Japan, epitomizing the high-quality, high-craftsmanship attitude luxury buyers around the world seek in their bathroom accessories.